Here Beginneth a Treatise how the hye Fader of Heven sendeth Dethe to somon every Creature to come and give Acounte of their Lives in this Worlde, and is in Maner of a Morall Playe. |
[Enter a messenger as prologue.] |
MESSENGER. I pray you all give your audience, |
And here this mater with reverence, |
hear |
By figure a morall playe: |
In form |
The Somoninge of Everyman called it is, |
That of our lives and endinge shewes |
How transitory we be all daye. |
always |
This mater is wonder[ou]s precious, |
But the entent of it is more gracious, |
intent, moral lesson |
And swete to bere awaye. |
10 |
The story saith: Man, in the beginninge |
Loke well, and take good heed to the endinge, |
Be you never so gay! |
Ye thinke sinne in the beginninge full swere |
Whiche in the ende causeth the soule to wepe |
Whan the body lieth in claye. |
Here shall you se how Falawship and Jolité, |
Bothe Strengthe, Pleasure, and Beauté, |
Will fade from the[e] as floure in Maye; |
For ye shall here how our heven Kinge |
hear |
20 |
Calleth Everyman to a generall rekeninge. |
Give audience, and here what he doth saye. [Exit.] |
hear |
God speketh [from above]: |
GOD. I perceive, here in my majesté, |
How that all creatures be to me unkinde, |
Livinge without drede in worldly prosperité. |
Of ghostly sight the people be so blinde, |
spiritual vision |
Drowned in sinne, they know me not for their God. |
In worldely riches is all their minde; |
They fere not my rightwysnes, the sharpe rod. |
fear|righteousness |
My love that I shewed whan I for them died |
They forgete clene, and shedinge of my blode rede. |
I hanged bitwene two [theves], it cannot be denied; |
To gete them life I suffred to be deed; |
get|consented|dead |
33 |
I heled their fete, with thornes hurt was my heed. |
feet |
I coude do no more than I dide, truely; |
And nowe I se the people do clene forsake me. |
They use the seven deedly sinnes dampnable, |
As pride, coveitise, wrath, and lechery |
Now in the worlde be made commendable; |
And thus they leve of aungelles the hevenly company. |
leave |
40 |
Every man liveth so after his owne pleasure, |
And yet of their life they be nothinge sure. |
not at all secure |
I se the more that I them forbere |
spare them |
The worse they be fro yere to yere. |
from |
All that liveth appaireth faste. |
grows worse |
Therfore I will, in all the haste, |
Have a rekeninge of every mannes persone; |
For, and I leve the people thus alone |
if |
In their life and wicked tempestes, |
Verily they will become moche worse than beestes! |
50 |
For now one wolde by envy another up ete; |
Charité they do all clene forgete. |
I hoped well that every man |
In my glory sholde make his mansion, |
And therto I had them all electe. |
But now I se, like traitours dejecte, |
abject |
They thanke me not for the pleasure that I to them ment, |
meant for them |
Nor yet for their beinge that I them have lent. |
I profered the people grete multitude of mercy. |
And fewe there be that asketh it hertly. |
with their hearts |
60 |
They be so combred with worldly riches |
That nedes on them I must do justice, |
I must needs, must |
On everyman livinge, without fere. |
Where arte thou, Deth, thou mighty messengere? |
[Enter] Death. |
DETHE. Almighty God, I am here at your will, |
Your commaundement to fulfill. |
GOD. Go thou to Everyman |
And shewe him, in my name, |
A pilgrimage he must on him take |
Whiche he in no wise may escape, |
70 |
And that he bringe with him a sure rekeninge |
Without delay or ony taryenge. [God withdraws.] |
DETHE. Lorde, I will in the worlde go renne over all, |
run everywhere |
And cruelly out-serche bothe grete and small. |
Every man will I beset that liveth beestly |
Out of Goddes lawes, and dredeth not foly. |
He that loveth richesse I will strike with my darte, |
77 |
His sight to blinde, and fro heven to departe - |
separate |
Excepte that almes be his good frende - |
Unless |
In hell for to dwell, worlde without ende. |
[Enter Everyman at a distance.] |
Loo, yonder I se Everyman walkinge. |
Full litell he thinketh on my cominge; |
His minde is on flesshely lustes and his treasure, |
And grete paine it shall cause him to endure |
to submit himself |
Before the Lorde, heven Kinge. |
[Death halts Everyman.] |
Everyman, stande still! Winder arte thou goinge |
Thus gaily? Hast thou thy Maker forgete? |
EVERYMAN. Why askest thou? |
Woldest thou wete? |
wit, know |
DETHE. Ye[a], sir, I will shewe you: |
90 |
In grete hast[e] I am sende to the[e| |
Fro God out of his magesté. |
EVERYMAN. What, sente to me? |
DETHE. Ye[a], certainly. |
Thoughe thou have forgete him here, |
He thinketh on the[e] in the hevenly sp[h]ere, |
As, or we departe, thou shalte knowe. |
ere |
EVERYMAN. What desireth God of me? |
DETHE. That shall I shewe the[e]: |
A rekeninge he will nedes have |
he must have |
100 |
Without ony lenger respite. |
any longer |
EVERYMAN. To give a rekeninge, longer laiser I crave! |
leisure |
This blinde mater troubleth my witte. |
obscure |
DETHE. On the[e] thou must take a longe journey; |
Therfore thy boke of counte with the[e] thou bringe, |
account |
For tourne againe thou cannot by no waye. |
return |
And loke thou be sure of thy rekeninge, |
For before God thou shalte answere and shewe |
Thy many badde dedes, and good but a fewe, |
deeds |
How thou hast spente thy life, and in what wise, |
110 |
Before the chefe Lorde of paradise. |
Have ado that we were in that waye, |
See to it/on our way |
For, wete thou well, thou shalte make none attournay. |
make no one (your) attorney |
EVERYMAN. Full unredy I am suche rekeninge to give. |
I knowe the[e] not. What messenger arte thou? |
DETHE. I am Dethe, that no man dredeth, |
that fears no man |
For every man I reste, and no man spareth. |
arrest |
For it is Goddes commaundement |
That all to me sholde be obedient. |
EVERYMAN. O Deth, thou comest whin I had the[e] leest in minde! |
120 |
In thy power it lieth me to save; |
Yet of my good wil I give the[e], if thou wil be kinde: |
goods |
Ye[a], a thousande pounde shalte thou have, |
And [thou] differre this mater till another daye. |
If you defer |
DETHE. Everyman, it may not be, by no waye. |
I set not by golde, silver, nor richesse, |
care not for |
Ne by pope, emperour, kinge, duke, ne princes; |
For, and I wolde receive giftes grete, |
if/great |
All the worlde I might gete; |
But my custome is clene contrary. |
130 |
I give the[e] no respite. Come hens, and not tary. |
hence |
EVERYMAN. Alas, shall I have no lenger respite? |
I may saye Deth giveth no warninge! |
To thinke oh the[e], it maketh my herte seke, |
sick |
For all unredy is my boke of rekeninge. |
But twelve yere and I might have abidinge, |
Only/if I could stay |
My countinge-boke I wolde make so clere |
That my rekeninge I sholde not nede to fere. |
Wherfore, Deth, I praye the[e], for Goddes mercy, |
Spare me till I be provided of remedy! |
DETHE. The[e] availeth not to crye, wepe, and praye; |
141 |
But hast[e] the[e] lightly that thou were gone that journaye, |
quickly |
And preve thy frendes if thou can; |
make trial of |
For, wete thou well, the tide abideth no man, |
know/time |
And in the worlde eche livinge creature |
For Adams sinne must die of nature. |
in the course of nature |
EVERYMAN. Dethe, if I sholde this pilgrimage take, |
And my rekeninge suerly make, |
surely |
Shewe me, for saint charité, |
for (the sake of) holy |
Sholde I not come againe shortly? |
150 |
DETHE. No, Everyman. And thou be ones there, |
Once you're there |
Thou mayst nevermore come here, |
Trust me verily. |
EVERYMAN. O gracious God in the hye sete celestiall, |
high seat |
Have mercy on me in this moost nede |
Shall I have no company fro this vale terestriall |
Of mine acqueyn[taun]ce, that way me to lede? |
DETHE. Ye[a], if ony be so hardy |
That wolde go with the[e] and bere the[e] company. |
Hie the[e] that thou were gone to Goddes magnificence, |
Hasten |
Thy rekeninge to give before his presence. |
161 |
What, wenest thou thy live is given the[e], |
ween, suppose/life |
And thy worldely gooddes also? |
EVERYMAN. I had wende so, verilé |
verily |
DETHE. Nay, nay, it was but lende the[e]. |
lent |
For as soone as thou arte go, |
gone, dead |
Another a while shall have it, and than go therfro, |
then go from it |
Even as thou hast done. |
Everyman, thou arte mad! Thou hast thy wittes five, |
And here on erthe will not amende thy live - |
And (yet) |
For sodeynly I do come. |
171 |
EVERYMAN. O wretched caitife, wheder shall I flee |
whither |
That I might scape this endles sorowe? |
Now, gentill Deth, spare me till tomorowe, |
That I may amende me |
With good advisement. |
reflection |
DETHE. Naye, therto I will not consent, |
Nor no man will I respite, |
But to the herte sodeynly I shall smite |
Without ony advisement. |
180 |
And now out of thy sight I will me hy. |
hie, hasten |
Se thou make the[e] redy shortely, |
For thou mayst saye this is the daye |
That no man livinge may scape awaye. [Exit.] |
EVERYMAN. Alas, I may well wepe with sighes depe! |
Now have I no maner of company |
To helpe me in my journey, and me to kepe; |
protect |
And also my writinge is full unredy. |
i.e., my accounts |
How shall I do now for to excuse me? |
I wolde to God I had never be gete! |
been begotten |
190 |
To my soule a full grete profite it had be |
been |
For now I fere paines huge and grete. |
The time passeth. Lorde, helpe, that all wrought! |
who created everything |
For though I mourne it availeth nought: |
The day passeth, and is almoost ago. |
gone |
I wote not well what for to do. |
To whome were I best my complaint to make? |
What and I to Felawship therof spake, |
if |
And shewyd him of this sodeyne chaunce? |
misfortune |
For in him is all mine affiaunce, |
trust |
200 |
We have in the worlde so many a daye |
Be good frendes, in sporte and playe. |
[Fellowship enters at a distance.] |
I se him yonder, certainely. |
I trust that he will bere me company; |
Therfore to him will I speke to ese my sorowe. |
Well mette, good Felawship, and good morowe! |
Felawship speketh: |
FELAWSHIP. Everyman, good morowe, by this daye! |
Sir, why lokest thou so piteously? |
If ony thinge be amisse, I praye the[e] me saye. |
That I may helpe to remedy. |
210 |
EVERYMAN. Ye[a], good Felawship, ye[a], |
I am in greate jeopardé |
FELAWSHIP. My true frende, shewe to me your minde; |
I will not forsake the[e] to my lives ende |
In the waye of good company. |
EVERYMAN. That was well spoken, and lovingly. |
FELAWSHIP. Sir, I must nedes knowe your hevinesse; |
sorrow |
I have pité to se you in ony distresse. |
If ony have you wronged, ye shall revenged be, |
If anyone has |
Thoughe I on the grounde be slaine for the[e] - |
220 |
Though that I knowe before that I sholde die! |
EVERYMAN. Verily, Felawship, gramercy. |
great thanks |
FELAWSHIP. Tusshe, by thy thankes I set not a strawe! |
don't care a bit |
Shewe me your grefe, and saye no more. |
EVERYMAN. If I my herte sholde to you breke, |
reveal |
And than you to tourne your minde fro me |
then |
And wolde not me comforte whan ye here me speke, |
hear |
Than sholde I ten times sorier be. |
FELAWSHIP. Sir, I saye as I will do indede. |
EVERYMAN. Than be you a good frende at nede! |
230 |
I have founde you true herebefore. |
FELAWSHIP. And so ye shall evermore. |
For, in faith, and thou go to hell, |
even if |
I will not forsake the[e] by the waye. |
EVERYMAN. Ye speke like a good frende! I bileve you well |
I shall deserve it, and I maye. |
repay/if |
FELAWSHIP. I speke of no deservinge, by this daye! |
For he that will saye, and nothinge do, |
Is not worthy with good company to go. |
Therfore shewe me the grefe of your minde, |
240 |
As to your frende moost lovinge and kinde. |
EVERYMAN. I shall shewe you how it is: |
Commaunded I am to go a journaye - |
A longe waye, harde, and daungerous - |
And give a straite counte, without delaye, |
strict account |
Before the hye Juge, Adonai. |
(a Hebrew name for God) |
Wherfore, I pray you, bere me company, |
As ye have promised, in this journaye. |
FELAWSHIP. That is mater indede! Promise is duty; |
a serious business |
But, and I sholde take suche a vyage on me, |
if |
250 |
I knowe it well, it sholde be to my paine. |
Also it make[th] me aferde, certaine. |
But let us take counsell here, as well as we can, |
let's deliberate |
For your wordes wolde fere a stronge man. |
frighten |
EVERYMAN. Why, ye said if I had nede |
Ye wolde me never forsake, quicke ne deed, |
alive nor dead |
Thoughe it were to hell, truely. |
FELAWSHIP. So I said, certainely, |
258 |
But suche pleasures be set aside, the sothe to saye. |
And also, if we toke suche a journaye, |
Whan sholde we againe come? |
EVERYMAN. Naye, never againe, till the daye of dome. |
doom |
FELAWSHIP. In faith, than will not I come there! |
Who hath you these tidinges brought? |
EVERYMAN. Indede, Deth was with me here. |
FELAWSHIP. Now, by God that all hathe bought, |
redeemed |
If Deth were the messenger, |
For no man that is livinge todaye |
I will not go that lothe journaye - |
loathsome |
Not for the fader that bigate me! |
begat |
EVERYMAN. Ye promised otherwise, pardé. |
by God |
FELAWSHIP. I wote well I sai[d] so, truely. |
And yet, if thou wilte ete, and drinke, and make good chere, |
273 |
Or haunt to women the lusty company, |
I wolde not forsake you while the daye is clere, |
until dawn |
Trust me, verily. |
EVERYMAN. Ye[a], therto ye wolde be redy! |
To go to mirthe, solas, and playe |
Your minde will so[o]ner apply, |
attend |
Than to bere me company in my longe journaye. |
280 |
FELAWSHIP. Now, in good faith, I will not that waye. |
will not (go) |
But, and thou will murder, or ony man kill, |
if |
In that I will helpe the[e] with a good will. |
EVERYMAN. O, that is a simple advise, indede. |
foolish |
Gentill Felaw[ship]e, helpe me in my necessité! |
We have loved longe, and now I nede; |
And now, gentill Felawship, remembre me! |
FELAWSHIP. Wheder ye have loved me or no, |
Whether |
By Saint Johan, I will not with the[e] go. |
289 |
EVERYMAN. Yet, I pray the[e], take the labour and do so moche for me. |
290 |
To bringe me forwarde, for saint charité, |
And comforte me till I come without the towne. |
arrive outside |
FELAWSHIP. Nay, and thou wolde give me a newe gowne, |
even if |
I will not a fote with the[e] go. |
foot |
But, and thou had taried, I wolde not have lefte the[e] so. |
if/stayed here |
And as now God spede the[e] in thy journaye, |
And now may God |
For from the[fe] I will departe as fast as I maye. |
EVERYMAN. Wheder awaye, Felawship? Will thou forsake me? |
Whither |
FELAWSHIP. Ye[a], by my faye! To God I betake the[e]. |
faith/commend |
EVERYMAN. Farewell, good Felawship! For the[e] my herte is sore. |
300 |
Adewe forever! I shall se the[e] no more. |
FELAWSHIP. In faith, Everyman, farewell now at the end[ing]e! |
For you I will remembre that partinge is mourninge. [Exit.] |
EVERYMAN. Alacke, shall we thus departe indede - |
part |
A, Lady, helpe! - without ony more comforte? |
Lo, Felawship forsaketh me in my moost nede. |
For helpe in this worlde wheder shall I resorte? |
whither |
Felawship herebefore with me wolde mery make, |
And now litell sorowe for me dooth he take. |
It is said, "In prosperité men frendes may finde, |
310 |
Whiche in adversité be full unkinde." |
Now wheder for socoure shall I flee, |
whither |
Sith that Felawship hath forsaken me? |
since |
To my kinnesmen I will, truely, |
Prayenge them to helpe me in my necessité. |
I bileve that they will do so, |
316 |
For "kinde will crepe where it may not go." |
kinship/creep/walk |
I will go saye, for yonder I se them. |
essay, try |
Where be ye now, my frendes and kinnesmen? |
[Enter Kindred and Cousin.] |
KINREDE. Here be we now, at your commaundement. |
Cosyn, I praye you shewe us your entent |
Cousin (i.e., Everyman) |
In ony wise, and not spare. |
In everything/do not hesitate |
COSYN. Ye[a], Everyman, and to us declare |
If ye be disposed to go ony-whyder; |
anywhere |
For, wete you well, [we] will live and die togyder. |
wit, know |
KINREDE. In welth and wo we will with you holde, |
keep |
For over his kinne a man may be bolde. |
For with/may presume favors |
EVERYMAN. Gramercy, my frendes and kinnesmen kinde. |
Now shall I shewe you the grefe of my minde: |
I was commaunded by a messenger |
That is a hye kinges chefe officer; |
high king's |
He bad[e] me go a pilgrimage, to my paine, |
And I knowe well I shall never come againe. |
Also I must give a rekeninge straite |
strict |
334 |
For I have a grete enemy that hath me in waite. |
enemy (the devil) |
Whiche entendeth me for to hinder. |
KINREDE. What acounte is that whiche ye must render? |
That wolde I knowe. |
EVERYMAN. Of all my workes I must shewe |
How I have lived, and my dayes spent; |
340 |
Also of ill dedes that I have used |
practiced |
In my time, sith life was me lent, |
since |
And of all vertues that I have refused. |
Therfore, I praye you, go thider with me |
To helpe to make min[e] accounte, for saint charité. |
holy |
COSYN. What, to go thider? Is that the mater? |
Nay, Everyman, I had lever fast brede and water |
rather fast on |
All this five yere and more. |
EVERYMAN. Alas that ever I was bore! |
born |
For now shall I never be mery |
If that you forsake me. |
351 |
KINREDE. A, sir, what ye be a mery man! |
Take good herte to you, and make no mone. |
moan |
But one thinge, I warne you, by Saint Anne: |
As for me, ye shall go alone. |
EVERYMAN. My Cosyn, will you not with me go? |
COSYN. No, by Our Lady! I have the crampe in my to[e]. |
Trust not to me, for, so God me spede, |
may God help me |
I will deceive you in your moost nede. |
KINREDE. It availeth not us to tise. |
It's no use trying to entice us |
360 |
Ye shall have my maide with all my herte; |
She loveth to go to feestes, there to be nise, |
wanton |
And to daunce, and abrode to sterte; |
to gad about |
I will give her leve to helpe you in that journey, |
leave, permission |
If that you and she may agree. |
EVERYMAN. Now, shewe me the veryeffecte of your minde: |
true tenor |
Will you go with me, or abide behinde? |
KINREDE. Abide behinde? Ye[a], that will I, and I maye! |
Therfore farewell till another daye. [Exit Kindred.] |
EVERYMAN. Howe sholde I be mery or gladde? |
370 |
For, faire promises men to me make, |
But whan I have moost nede they me forsake. |
I am deceived; that maketh me sadde. |
COSYN. Cosyn Everyman, farewell now, |
For verily I will not go with you. |
Also of mine owne [life] an unredy rekeninge |
I have to accounte; therfore I make taryenge. |
tarrying |
Now God kepe the[e], for now I go. [Exit.] |
protect |
EVERYMAN. A, Jesus, is all come hereto? |
everything come to this |
379 |
Lo, faire worries maketh fooles faine; |
glad |
They promise, and nothinge will do, certaine. |
My kinnesmen promised me faithfully |
For to abide with me stedfastly, |
And now fast awaye do they flee; |
Even so Felawship promised me. |
in the same way |
What frende were best me of to provide? |
to provide myself with |
I lose my time here longer to abide. |
Yet in my minde a thinge there is: |
All my life I have loved riches. |
If that my Good now helpe me might, |
Goods |
390 |
He wolde make my herte full light. |
I will speke to him in this distresse. |
Where arte thou, my Gooddes and riches? |
[Goods speaks from a corner.] |
GOODES. Who calleth me? Everyman? What, hast thou haste? |
I lie here in corners, trussed and piled so hye, |
And in chestes I am locked so fast, |
Also sacked in bagges. Thou mayst se with thin[e] eye |
I cannot stir[r]e; in packes lowe I lie. |
What wolde ye have? Lightly me saye. |
Quickly |
EVERYMAN. Come hider, Good, in al the hast[e] thou may, |
hither |
400 |
For of counseyll I must desire the [e]. |
I must ask your advice |
[Goods approaches.] |
GOODES. Sir, and ye in the worlde have sorowe or adversité, |
if |
That can I helpe you to remedy shortly. |
EVERYMAN. It is another disease that greveth me; |
trouble |
In this worlde it is not, I tell the[e] so. |
I am sent for another way to go, |
To give a straite counte generall |
strict overall account |
Before the hyest Jupiter of all; |
And all my life I have had joye and pleasure in the[e], |
Therfore, I pray the[e], go with me. |
410 |
For, paraventure, thou mayst before God Almighty |
My rekeninge helpe to clene and purifye; |
For it is said ever amonge |
it is sometimes said |
That "money maketh all right that is wronge." |
GOODES. Nay, Everyman, I singe another songe! |
I folowe no man in suche vyages; |
For, and I wente with the[e], |
Thou sholdes[t] fare moche the worse for me. |
For-bicause on me thou did set thy minde |
Because |
Thy rekeninge I have made blotted and blinde, |
flawed and obscure |
That thine accounte thou cannot make truly - |
421 |
And that hast thou for the love of me! |
EVERYMAN. That wolde greve me full sore, |
423 |
Whan I sholde come to that ferefull answere. |
Up, let us go thider togyder. |
GOODES. Nay, not so! I am to[o] britell, I may not endure. |
britlle |
I will folowe [no] man one fote, be ye sure. |
EVERYMAN. Alas, I have the[e] loved, and had grete pleasure |
All my life-dayes on good and treasure! |
GOODES. That is to thy dampnacion, without lesinge, |
without a lie, truly |
430 |
For my love is contrary to the love everlastinge. |
But, if thou had me loved moderately duringe, |
during (your life) |
As to the poore [to] give parte of me, |
(So) as |
Than sholdest thou not in this dolour be, |
Nor in this grete sorowe and care. |
EVERYMAN. Lo, now was I deceived or I was ware, |
ere/aware |
436 |
And all I may wite mi[s]spendinge of time! |
totally I may blame |
GOOODES. (What, wenest thou that I am thine?) |
EVERYMAN. I had went so. |
weened, supposed |
GOODES. Naye, Everyman, I saye no. |
As for a while I was lente the[e]; |
A season thou hast had me in prosperité. |
My condicion is mannes soule to kill; |
nature |
If I save one, a thousande I do spill. |
destroy |
Wenest thou that I will folowe the[e]? |
Nay, fro this worlde not, verilé. |
(I will) not (go), verily |
EVERYMAN. I had wende otherwise. |
GOODES. Therfore to thy soule Good is a thefe; |
For whan thou arte deed, this is my g[u]ise: |
Another to deceive in this same wise |
450 |
As I have done the[e], and all to his soules reprefe |
soul's reproof |
EVERYMAN. O false Good, cursed [may] thou be, |
Thou traitour to God, that hast deceived me |
And caugh[t] me in thy snare! |
GOODES. Mar[r]y, thou brought thyselfe in care, |
Wherof I am [right] gladde; |
I must nedes laugh, I cannot be sadde. |
EVERYMAN. A, Good, thou hast had longe my hertely love! |
I gave the[e] that whiche sholde be the Lordes above. |
Lord's |
But wilte thou not go with me indede? |
460 |
I praye the[e] trouth to say. |
tell (me) the truth |
GOODES. No, so God me spede! |
Therfore farewell, and have good daye. [Exit.] |
EVERYMAN. O, to whome shall I make my mone |
For to go with me in that hevy journaye? |
First Felawship said he wolde with me gone. |
go |
His wordes were very pleasaunt and gaye, |
But afterwarde he lefte me alone. |
Than spake I to my kinnesmen, all in dispaire, |
An[d] also they gave me wordes faire - |
470 |
They lacked no faire spekinge, |
But all forsoke me in the endinge. |
Than wente I to my Goodes, that I loved best, |
In hope to have comforte; but there had I leest, |
For my Goodes sharpely did me tell/td>
| |
That he bringeth many into hell. |
Than of myselfe I was ashamed; |
And so I am worthy to be blamed. |
Thus may I well myselfe hate. |
Of whome shall I now counseyll take? |
480 |
I thinke that I shall never spede |
Till that I go to my Good Dede. |
But, alas, she is so weke |
That she can nother go nor speke. |
neither walk |
Yet will I venter on her now. |
venture |
My Good Dedes, where be you? |
[Good Deeds, speaks from the ground.] |
GOOD DEDES. Here I lie, colde in the grounde. |
Thy sinnes hath me sore bounde. |
That I cannot stere. |
Stir |
EVERYMAN. O Good Dedes, I stande in fere! |
490 |
I must you pray of counseyll, |
For helpe now sholde come right well. |
would be very welcome |
GOOD DEDES. Everyman, I have understandinge |
That ye be somoned a[c]counte to make |
summoned |
Before Myssias, of Jherusalem kinge; |
Messiah |
And you do by me, that journay with you will I take. |
If you do as I advise |
EVERYMAN. Therfore I come to you my moone to make. |
moan |
I praye you that ye will go with me. |
GOOD DEDES. I wolde full faine, but I cannot stande, verily. |
gladly |
EVERYMAN. Why, is there onythinge on you fall? |
happened to you |
500 |
GOOD DEDES. Ye[a], sir, I may thanke you of all! |
If ye had parfitely chered me,thoroughly nurtured me |
Your boke of counte full redy had be. |
[Shows Everyman his Book of Account.] |
Loke, the bokes of your workes and dedes eke! |
deeds also |
Beholde how they lie under the fete. |
To your soules hevines. |
sorrow |
EVERYMAN. Our Lorde Jesus helpe me! |
507 |
For one letter here I cannot se. |
GOOD DEDES. Here is a blinde rekeninge in time of distres! |
obscure |
EVERYMAN. Good Dedes, I praye you helpe me in this nede, |
Or elles I am forever dampned indede! |
Therfore helpe me to make [my] rekeninge |
Before the Redemer of all thinge, |
That kinge is, and was, and ever shall. |
shall (be) |
GOOD DEDES. Everyman, I am sory of your fall, |
And faine wolde I helpe you, and I were able. |
if |
EVERYMAN. Good Dedes, your counseyll I pray you give me. |
GOOD DEDES. That shall I do, verily. |
Thoughe that on my fete I may not go, |
I have a sister that shall with you also, |
520 |
Called Knowlege, whiche shall with you abide |
Knowledge (of one's sins) |
To helpe you to make that dredefull rekeninge. |
[Enter Knowledge.] |
KNOWLEGE. Everyman, I will go with the[e], and be thy g[u]ide, |
In thy moost nede to go by thy side. |
EVERYMAN. In good condicion I am now in everythinge, |
And am [w]holy content with this good thinge, |
Thanked be God my creature! |
creator |
GOOD DEDES. And whan [s]he hath brought you there |
Where thou shalte hele the[e] of thy smarte, |
pain |
Than go you with your rekeninge and your Good Dedes togyder |
530 |
For to make you joyfull at herte |
Before the blessyd Trinité. |
EVERYMAN. My Good Dedes, gramercy! |
I am well content, certainly, |
With your wordes swete. |
KNOWLEGE. Now go we togyder lovingly |
To Confession, that clensinge rivere. |
EVERYMAN. For joy I wepe; I wolde we were there! |
But, I pray you, give me cognicion |
Where dwelleth that holy man, Confession? |
540 |
KNOWLEGE. In the hous of salvacion. |
i.e., the Church |
We shall finde him in that place |
That shall us comforte, by Goddes grace. |
[Knowledge leads Everyman to Confession.] |
Lo, this is Confession. Knele downe and aske mercy, |
For he is in good conceite with God Almighty. |
high esteem |
EVERYMAN [kneeling]. O glorious fountaine, that all unclennes doth clarify, |
Wasshe fro me the spottes of vice unclene, |
That on me no sinne may be sene. |
I come, with Knowlege, for my redemption, |
Redempte with herte and full contricion; |
Redeemed by earnestness |
550 |
For I am commaunded a pilgrimage to take, |
And grete accountes before God to make. |
Now I praye you, Shrifte, moder of salvacion, |
Confession |
Helpe my Good Dedes for my piteous exclamacion! |
in response to |
CONFESSION. I knowe your sorowe well, Everyman. |
Bicause with Knowlege ye come to me, |
I will you comforte as well as I can. |
And a precious Jewell I will give the[e] |
Called penaunce, voider of adversité; |
expeller |
Therwith shall your body chastised be |
560 |
With abstinence and perseveraunce in Goddes service. |
[Shows Everyman a knotted scourge.] |
whip |
Here shall you receive that scourge of me, |
Whiche is penaunce stronge that ye must endure, |
To remembre thy Saviour was scourged for the[e] |
With sharpe scourges, and suffred it patiently; |
So must thou, or thou scape that painful pilgrimage. |
ere you escape |
Knowlege, kepe him in this vyage, |
course |
And by that time Good Dedes will be with the[e]. |
But in ony wise be seker of mercy, |
sure |
For your time draweth fast. And ye will saved be, |
draws to a close/If |
570 |
Aske God mercy, and he will graunte truely |
Whan with the scourge of penaunce man doth him binde, |
punishes himself |
The oile of forgivenes than shall he finde. |
EVERYMAN. Thanked be God for his gracious werke! |
For now I will my penaunce begin. |
575 |
This hath rejoised and lighted my herte, |
lightened |
576 |
Though the knottes be painful and harde, within. |
KNOWLEGE. Everyman, loke your penaunce that ye fulfill, |
see to it |
What paine that ever it to you be; |
No matter how painful |
And Knowlege shall give you counseyll at will |
readily |
How your accounte ye shall make clerely. |
[Everyman makes his confession.] |
EVERYMAN. O eternall God, O hevenly figure, |
O way of rightwisnes, O goodly vision, |
Whiche discended downe in a virgin pure |
Bicause he wolde every man redeme, |
Whiche Adam forfaited by his disobedience: |
Which (redemption) |
O blessid Godheed, electe and hye devine, |
exalted/divinity |
Forgive [me] my grevous offence! |
Here I crye the[e] mercy in this presence. |
company |
O ghostly treasure, O raunsomer and redemer, |
spiritual |
590 |
Of all the worlde hope and conduiter, |
conductor, guide |
Mirrour of joye, foundatour of mercy, |
founder |
Whiche enlumineth heven and erth therby: |
illumines |
Here my clamorous complaint, though it late be, |
Hear |
Receive my prayers, of thy benignitye! |
Though I be a sinner moost abhominable, |
Yet let my name be writ[t]en in Moyses table. |
i.e., as a penitent |
O Mary, praye to the Maker of all thinge, |
Me for to helpe at my endinge, |
And save me fro the power of my enemy; |
For Deth assaileth me strongly. |
601 |
And, Lady, that I may by meane of thy prayer |
602 |
Of your sones glory to be partinere |
603 |
By the meanes of his Passion, I it crave. |
I beseche you helpe my soule to save! |
[He rises.] |
Knowlege, give me the scourge of penaunce: |
My flesshe therwith shall give acqueyntaunce. |
be acquainted |
I will now begin, if God give me grace. |
KNOWLEGE. Everyman, God give you time and space! |
opportunity |
Thus I bequeth you in the handes of our Saviour. |
610 |
Now may you make your rekeninge sure. |
EVERYMAN. In the name of the holy Trinité |
My body sore punisshed shall be. |
[Scourges himself] |
Take this, body, for the sinne of the flesshe! |
Also thou deli[gh]test to go gay and fresshe, |
And in the way of dampnacion thou did me bringe; |
Therfore suffre now strokes of punisshinge. |
Now of penaunce I will wade the water clere, |
To save me from purgatory, that sharpe fire. |
[Good Deeds rises from the ground.] |
GOOD DEDES. I thanke God, now I can walke and go, |
620 |
And am delivered of my sikenesse and wo! |
Therfore with Everyman I will go, and not spare: |
hold back |
His good workes I will helpe him to declare. |
KNOWLEGE. Now, Everyman, be mery and glad! |
Your Good Dedes cometh now; ye may not be sad. |
Now is your Good Dedes [w]hole and sounde, |
Goinge upright upon the grounde. |
EVERYMAN. My herte is light, and shal be evermore. |
Now will I smite faster than I dide before. [Continues to scourge.] |
GOOD DEDES. Everyman, pilgrime, my speciall frende, |
630 |
Blessyd be thou without ende! |
For the[e] is preparate the eternall glory. |
prepared |
Ye have me made [w]hole and sounde, |
Therfore I will bide by the[e] in every stounde. |
time of trial |
EVERYMAN. Welcome, my Good Dedes! Now I here thy voice, |
Now (that) I hear |
I wepe for very swetenes of love. |
KNOWLEGE. Be no more sad, but ever rejoice. |
637 |
God seeth thy livinge in his trone above. |
Put on this garment to thy behove, |
behoof, benefit |
Whiche is wette with your teres. |
Or elles before God you may it misse |
Whan ye to your journeys ende come shall. |
EVERYMAN. Gentill Knowlege, what do ye it call? |
KNOWLEGE. It is the garment of sorowe. |
Fro paine it will you borowe. |
rescue |
Contricion it is, |
That getteth forgivenes; |
It pleaseth God passinge well. |
exceedingly |
GOOD DEDES. Everyman, will you were it for your hele? |
wear/salvation |
[Everyman puts on the robe of contrition.] |
EVERYMAN. Now blessyd be Jesu, Maryes sone, |
650 |
For now have I on true contricion. |
And lette us go now without taryenge. |
tarrying |
Good Dedes, have we clere our rekeninge? |
GOOD DEDES. Ye[a], indede, I have [it] here. |
EVERYMAN. Than I trust we nede not fere. |
Now, frendes, let us not parte in twaine. |
KNOWLEGE. Nay, Everyman, that will we not, certaine. |
GOOD DEDES. Yet must thou led[e] with the[e] |
Thre persones of grete might. |
EVERYMAN. Who sholde they be? |
660 |
GOOD DEDES. Discrecion and Strength they hight, |
are called |
And thy Beauté may not abide behinde. |
KNOWLEGE. Also ye must call to minde |
Your Five Wittes as for your counseylours. |
GOOD DEDES. You must have them redy at all houres. |
EVERYMAN. Howe shall I gette them hyder? |
hither |
KNOWLEGE. You must call them all togyder, |
And they will here you incontinent. |
hear/immediately |
EVERYMAN. My frendes, come hider and be present, |
Discrecion, Strengthe, my Five Wittes, and Beauté! |
[Enter Discretion, Strength, Five Wits, and Beauty.] |
670 |
BEAUTE. Here at your will we be all redy. |
What wolde ye that we sholde do? |
GOOD DEDES. That ye wolde with Everyman go |
And helpe him in his pilgrimage. |
Advise you, will ye with him or not in that vyage? |
Consider |
STRENGTH. We will bringe him all thyder, |
To his helpe and comforte, ye may bileve me. |
DISCRECION. So will we go with him all togyder. |
EVERYMAN. Almighty God, loved may thou be! |
I give the[e] laude that I have hider brought |
praise |
680 |
Strength, Discrecion, Beauté and Five Wittes. Lacke I nought. |
And my Good Dedes, with Knowlege clere, |
All be in company at my will here. |
are together at my command |
I desire no more to my besines. |
for my purpose |
STRENGTH. And I, Strength, will by you stande in distres, |
Though thou wolde in bataile fight on the grounde. |
battle |
FIVE WITTES. And though it were thrugh the worlde rounde, |
i.e., no matter where |
We will not departe, for swete ne soure. |
i.e., in good times or bad |
BEAUTE. No more will I, unto dethes houre, |
until |
Whatsoever therof befall. |
690 |
DISCRECION. Everyman, advise you first of all: |
consider |
Go with a good advisement and deliberacion. |
reflection |
We all give you vertuous monicion |
i.e., assurance |
That all shall be well. |
EVERYMAN. My frendes, harken what I will tell - |
I praye God rewarde you in his heven[ly] sp[h]ere - |
Now herken all that be here, |
For I will make my testament |
Here before you all present: |
In almes halfe my good I will give with my handes twaine |
In the way of charité, with good entent, |
701 |
And the other halfe still shall remaine |
702 |
In queth, to be retourned there it ought to be. |
bequest/where |
This I do in despite of the fende of hell, |
To go quite out of his perell |
freed from peril of him |
Ever after and this daye. |
Today and forever |
KNOWLEGE. Everyman, herken what I saye: |
Go to Presthode, I you advise, |
And receive of him, in ony wise |
without fail |
The holy sacrament and ointement togyder. |
extreme unction |
710 |
Than shortly se ye tourne againe hyder; |
return |
We will all abide you here. |
FIVE WITTES. Ye[a], Everyman, hie you that ye redy were. |
hasten to get ready |
There is no emperour, kinge, duke, ne baron |
That of God hath commicion |
authority |
As hath the leest preest in the worlde beinge; |
living |
For of the blessyd sacramentes pure and benigne |
He bereth the keyes, and therof hath the cure |
care, responsibility |
For mannes redempcion - it is ever sure - |
Whiche God for our soules medicine |
720 |
Gave us out of his herte with grete paine. |
Here in this transitory life, for the[e] and me, |
The blessyd sacramentes seven there be: |
Baptim, confirmation, with preesthode good, |
ordination to priesthood |
And the sacrament of Goddes precious flesshe and blod, |
Mariage, the holy extreme unccion, and penaunce. |
These seven be good to have in remembraunce, |
Gracious sacramentes of hye devinité. |
EVERYMAN. Faine wolde I receive that holy body, |
i.e., the sacrament |
And mekely to my ghostly fader I will go. |
spiritual father |
730 |
FIVE WITTES. Everyman, that is the best that ye can do. |
God will you to salvacion bringe, |
For preesthode excedeth all other thinge. |
To us holy Scripture they do teche, |
And converteth man fro sinne, heven to reche. |
reach |
735 |
God hath to them more power given |
736 |
Than to ony aungell that is in heven. |
With five wordes he may consecrate |
i.e., "Eat, this is my body" |
Goddes body in flesshe and blode to make, |
And handeleth his Maker bitwene his hande[s]. |
740 |
The preest bindeth and unhindeth all bandes, |
741 |
Bothe in erthe and in heven. |
Thou ministres all the sacramentes seven; |
administer |
Though we kist thy fete, thou were worthy! |
Thou arte [the] surgyon that cureth sinne deedly; |
No remedy we finde under God |
But all onely preesthode. |
Except only from |
Everyman, God gave preest[s] that dignité, |
And setteth them in his stede amonge us to be. |
place |
Thus be they above aungelles in degree. |
[Everyman goes to receive the sacrament and extreme unction from the priest, while the others await his return.] |
750 |
KNOWLEGE. If preestes be good, it is so, suerly. |
But whan Jesu hanged on the crossc with grete smarte, |
pain |
There he gave out of his blessyd herte |
The seven sacramentes in grete tourment. |
He solde them not to us, that Lorde omnipotent! |
755 |
Therefore Saint Peter the Apostell dothe saye |
That Jesus' curse hath all they |
Whiche God their Saviour do b[u]y or sell, |
758 |
Or they for ony money do take or tell. |
Sinfull preestes giveth the sinners example bad: |
760 |
Their children sitteth by other mennes fires, I have harde; |
heard |
And some haunteth womens company |
With unclene life, as lustes of lechery. |
These be with sinne made blinde. |
FIVE WITTES. I trust to God no suche may we finde. |
Therfore let us preesthode honour, |
And folowe their doctrine for our soules socoure. |
We be their shepe, and they shepeherdes be, |
By whome we all be kepte in suerté |
safety |
Peas, for yonder I se Everyman come, |
Silence |
770 |
Whiche hath made true satisfaccion. |
Who |
GOOD DEDES. Methinke it is he indede. |
[Everyman returns.] |
EVERYMAN. Now Jesu be your alder spede! |
be helper to you all |
I have received the sacrament for my redempcion, |
And than mine extreme unccion. |
Blessyd be all they that counseyled me to take it! |
And now, frendes, let us go without longer respite; |
I thanke God that ye have taried so longe. |
Now set eche of you on this rodde your honde, |
rood, cross |
And shortely folowe me. |
quickly |
780 |
I go before there I wolde be. God be our g[u]ide! |
where I wish to be |
STRENGTH. Everyman, we will not fro you go |
Till ye have done this vyage longe. |
DISCRECION. I, Discrecion, will bide by you also. |
KNOWLEGE. And though this pilgrimage be never so stronge, |
taxing |
I will never parte you fro. |
from you |
Everyman, I will be as sure by the[e] |
steadfast at your side |
787 |
As ever I dide by Judas Machabee. |
[They proceed to Everyman's grave] |
EVERYMAN. Alas, I am so faint I may not stande! |
My limmes under me do folde. |
Frendes, let us not tourne againe to this lande, |
Not for all the worldes golde; |
For into this cave must I crepe |
And tourne to erth, and there to slepe. |
BEAUTÉ. What, into this grave? Alas! |
EVERYMAN. Ye[a], there shall ye consume, more and lesse, |
decay everyone |
BEAUTÉ. And what, sholde I smoder here? |
smother |
EVERYMAN. Ye[a], by my faith, and never more appere. |
In this worlde live no more we shall, |
But in heven before the hyest Lorde of all. |
BEAUTÉ. I crosse out all this! Adewe, by Saint Johan! |
cancel |
801 |
I take my tappe in my lappe and am gone. |
flax for spinning |
EVERYMAN. What, Beauté, whider will ye? |
BEAUTÉ. Peas, I am defe! I loke not behinde me, |
Peace, silence |
Not and thou woldest give me all the golde in thy chest! |
if |
[Exit Beauty.] |
EVERYMAN. Alas, wherto may I truste? |
Beauté gothe fast awaye fro me. |
She promised with me to live and die. |
STRENGTH. Everyman, I will the[e] also forsake and denye. |
Thy game liketh me not at all. |
pleases |
810 |
EVERYMAN. Why than, ye will forsake me all? |
Swete Strength, tary a litell space. |
while |
STRENGTH. Nay, sir, by the rode of grace! |
rood, cross |
I will hie me from the[e] fast, |
Though thou wepe till thy herte to-brast. |
burst in pieces |
EVERYMAN. Ye wolde ever bide by me, ye said. |
STRENGTH. Ye[a], I have you ferre inoughe conveyde! |
far |
Ye be olde inoughe, I understande, |
Your pilgrimage to take on hande. |
I repent me that I hider came. |
820 |
EVERYMAN. Strength, you to displease I am to blame, |
Yet promise is dette, this ye well wot. |
STRENGTH. In faith, I care not. |
Thou arte but a foole to complaine. |
You spende your speche, and wast[e] your braine. |
spend (in vain) |
Go thrist the[e] into the grounde! [Exit.] |
thrust yourself |
EVERYMAN. I had wende surer I sholde you have founde. |
weened, supposed |
He that trusteth in his Strength |
She him deceiveth at the length. |
Bothe Strength and Beauté forsaketh me,; |
830 |
Yet they promised me faire and lovingly. |
DISCRECION. Everyman, I will after Strength be gone. |
As for me, I will leve you alone. |
EVERYMAN. Why, Discrecion, will ye forsake me? |
DISCRECION. Ye[a], in faith, I will go fro the[e], |
For whan Strength goth before |
I folowe after evermore. |
EVERYMAN. Yet, I pray the[e], for the love of the Trinité, |
Loke in my grave ones piteously! |
once |
DISCRECION. Nay, so nye will I not come. |
840 |
Farewell, everychone! [Exit Discretion.] |
everyone |
EVERYMAN. O, all thinge faileth, save God alone - |
Beauté, Strength, and Discrecion; |
For whan Deth bloweth his blast |
They all renne fro me full fast. |
FIVE WITTES. Everyman, my leve now of the[e] I take. |
I will folowe the other, for here I the[e] forsake. |
EVERYMAN. Alas, than may I waile and wepe! |
For I toke you for my best frende. |
FIVE WITTES. I will no lenger the[e] kepe. |
guard |
850 |
Now farewell, and there an ende. [Exit Five Wits.] |
EVERYMAN. O Jesu, helpe! All hath forsaken me. |
GOOD DEDES. Nay, Everyman, I will bide with the[e]. |
I will not forsake the[e] indede; |
Thou shalte finde me a good frende at nede. |
EVERYMAN. Gramercy, Good Dedes! Now may I true frendes se. |
They have forsaken me, everychone; |
I loved them better than my Good Dedes alone. |
Knowlege, will ye forsake me also? |
KNOWLEGE. Ye[a], Everyman, whan ye to Deth shall go; |
860 |
But not yet, for no maner of daunger. |
EVERYMAN. Gramercy, Knowlege, with all my herte! |
KNOWLEGE. Nay, yet I will not from hens departe |
Till I se where ye shall be come. |
EVERYMAN. Methinke, alas, that I must be gone |
To make my rekeninge and my dettes paye, |
For I se my time is nye spent awaye. |
Take example, all ye that this do here or se, |
hear |
How they that I love[d] best do forsake me |
Excepte my Good Dedes, that, bideth truely. |
870 |
GOOD DEDES. All erthly thinges is but vanité: |
Beauté, Strength, and Discrecion do man forsake, |
Folisshe frendes, and kinnesmen, that faire spake - |
All fleeth save Good Dedes, and that am I. |
EVERYMAN. Have mercy on me, God moost mighty, |
And stande by me, thou moder and maide, Holy Mary! |
GOOD DEDES. Fere not; I will speke for the[e]. |
EVERYMAN. Here I crye God mercy! |
GOOD DEDES. Shorte our ende, and minisshe our paine; |
Shorten/diminish |
Let us go and never come againe. |
880 |
EVERYMAN. Into thy handes, Lorde, my soule I commende. |
Receive it, Lorde, that it be not lost. |
As thou me boughtest, so me defende, |
redeemed |
And save me from the fendes boost, |
fiend's |
That I may appere with that blessyd hoost |
That shall be saved at the day of dome. |
886 |
In manus tuas, of mightes moost |
887 |
Forever, commendo spiritum meum! |
[Everyman and Good Deeds descend into the grave.] |
KNOWLEGE. Now hath he suffred that we all shall endure. |
that which |
The Good Dedes shall make all sure. |
890 |
Now hath he made endinge. |
Methinketh that I here aungelles singe, |
hear |
And make grete joy and melody |
Where Everymannes soule received shall be. |
THE AUNGELL [above, or within]. Come, excellente electe spouse to Jesu! |
bride |
Here-above thou shalte go, |
Bicause of thy singuler yertue. |
Now thy soule is taken thy body fro, |
Thy rekeninge is crystall clere. |
Now shalte thou into the hevenly sp[h]ere, |
900 |
Unto the whiche all ye shall come |
That liveth well before the daye of dome. |
[Enter doctor as epilogue.] |
learned cleric |
DOCTOUR. This morall men may have in minde. |
Ye herers, take it of worth, olde and yonge, |
prize it highly |
And forsake Pride, for he deceiveth you in the ende. |
And remembre Beauté, Five Wittes, Strength, and Di[s]crecion, |
They all at the last do every man forsake, |
Save his Good Dedes there dothe he take. |
Unless |
But beware; [for], and they be small, |
if |
Before God he hath no helpe at all. |
910 |
None excuse may be there for every man. |
Alas, how shall he do than? |
For, after dethe, amendes may no man make, |
For than mercy and pité doth him forsake. |
If his rekeninge be not clere whan he doth come, |
915 |
God will saye: "Ite, maledicti, in ignem aeternum!" |
And he that hath his accounte [w]hole and sounde, |
Hye in heven he shall be crounde. |
Unto whiche place God bringe us all thyder, |
That we may live body and soule togyder. |
920 |
Therto helpe, the Trinité! |
Amen, saye ye, for saint Charite. |
holy |
Finis. |
Thus endeth this morall playe of Everyman. |
Imprinted at London in Poules |
Chyrche yarde by me |
Johan Skot. |