The Department of Foreign
Literature was found in the Moscow University in 1863
(although, the courses of Western belles-lettres were given at
the Philological Department since the late 18th century) and
has subsisted till the 1920s when the study of foreign
literature was scrapped from the reorganized University
structure. The work had not been recommenced before 1930, but
only as late as in 1941 the Department was completely restored
as a part of the Philological Faculty and received its present
name in 1949. It was then directed by R. M. Samarin, followed by (1974)
and (1996),
both being specialists in French literature, and V. M. Tolmatchev (2011).
Today, the Department consists of 18 and more than
70 and .
The Department offers a wide spectrum of general and
specialized (lectures and
seminars) on the history of European and American literature of
different periods from the early Middle Ages up to the present
day. It also presents various courses where traditional and
modern literary criticism is considered from an unbiased
viewpoint. The objective is to represent literature as a
process and an art deeply implanted into historical and
cultural context. Besides these basic subjects, the Department
provides a series of chronological courses on the history of
the Western fine arts.
are arranged, including those organized within the framework of
the Student Research Association.
The Department publishes works in Russian and foreign
languages. Some of those writings are, as well as a brief summary of recently issued
by our researchers.
Contact us : tel. (7 095) 939 27 84 ; . |